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Interact with Bitgesell Via the commandline

Let's learn how we can interact with Bigtesell via the commandline or a terminal

Using bgld-cli

Note: this is still in beta and under development,hence experimental

A CLI tool for interacting with the Bitgesell blockchain network for managing:

  • Addresses
  • Private Keys
  • Transactions (WIP)
  • Wallets

1. Installation

npm i -g bgld-cli # yarn add --global bgld-cli

bgld-cli is still in beta.

2. Usage

Basic help and bgld-cli version can be checked by simply typing the following on a terminal.

nmurgor@nmurgor:$ bgld-cli
Usage: bgld-cli [options] [command]

bgld-cli, - A cli utility for interacting with the Bitgesell Blockchain Network

-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command

address <--network> Generate an an address (base58 encoded)
wallet <--network> Generate a Wallet
transactions <--network> encode at transaction [WIP]
help [command] display help for command

3. Create an Address

Currently supports interaction with mainnet. Tesnet will be added in future releases.

All addresses(Public/Private key pairs) are exported to the home folder in JSON format:

To generate an address:

nmurgor@nmurgor:$ bgld-cli address mainnet # address <network>
Genertated address for Mainnet(base58): bgl1q83vpa00xcv38swrquhggvvwafxsdwklsffa80m
Private Key(hex): 6c67b1f1b9f3c587fd6c257e2e1fdf2f67922de04e3c57f441a4d49616a0766d
Saved to : /home/nmurgor/bgl1q83vpa00xcv38swrquhggvvwafxsdwklsffa80m.json

Note: Always keep your keys safe. Anyone with access to private keys can drain your Wallet.

4. Create a Wallet

Currently supports interaction with mainnet. Testnet will be added in the next stable release.

All Wallets(Public/Private key pairs) are exported to the home folder in JSON format:

To generate a wallet:

nmurgor@nmurgor:$ bgld-cli address mainnet # address <network>
Genertated address for Mainnet(base58): bgl1q83vpa00xcv38swrquhggvvwafxsdwklsffa80m
Private Key(hex): 6c67b1f1b9f3c587fd6c257e2e1fdf2f67922de04e3c57f441a4d49616a0766d
Saved to : /home/nmurgor/bgl1q83vpa00xcv38swrquhggvvwafxsdwklsffa80m.json

Note: Always keep your keys safe. Anyone with access to private keys can drain your Wallet.

nmurgor@nmurgor$ bgld-cli wallet mainnet
Successfully generated wallet for mainnet:

Wallet PrivateKey: zprvAdZDy3B88MeASBzRxuhba6VJJYAjuafpDcxJT8pubKQ9dZsGv736BmtxGN9cBTbfHmaokvKUG7KEorSkhHDXgdg5jC1HrCg98VFestGJMbE

Wallet seed phrase: electric deer creek blood corn gasp lonely travel speak below clutch outside scout deliver detail weapon accident donor upon business adult together donor shiver
Saved to : /home/nmurgor/wallet.json

Feel free to contribute to this CLI utilily, all contributions are welcome. The implementation can be found here