Bitgesell Developer resources 📚📚
A collection of useful Developer resources for the Bitgesell Blockchain Network
1. Bitgesell Core Software​
These are links to all resources regarding the official Bitgesell core software:
- Official Github Repository - Official Software that powers the Bitgesell Store of Value.
- Bitgesell Releases - Official Releases of Bitgesell core software for various platforms - Windows, Linux, MacOs
- Official Website - Bitgesell oficial website
- Official Bitgesell Mainnet Wallet - Bitgesell Mainnet Wallet
- Official Bitgesell Web Wallet Repository
- Official WBGl Bridge - WBGL/BGL Bridge
- Bitgesell DAO notifications - DAO notifications channel
- Main Bitgesell DAO - Bitgesell DAO based on Snapshot
- Mainnet MetaMask Wallet - Mainnet wallet using MetaMask Flask
- Mnemonic to WIF converter - Mnemonic to WIF converter
- Bitgesell Testnet Wallet - Testnet wallet
- Official Bitgesell Mainnet Block Explorer - Real-time explorer (mainnet/testnet)
- Official Bitgesell Tesnet Block Explorer - Testnet explorer
- Official Bitgesell Real-time Mempool - Real-time mempool
- Bitgesell Testnet & RPC Endpoint - API testnet and RPC endpoint
- Bitgesell Mainnet RPC & Faucet - Node RPC endpoint mainnet and faucet testnet
- Official Docker Image - Official Docker image for efficient deployments
2. Bitgesell Libraries​
The following are some official Bitgesell libraries for various popular programming languages:
1. TypeScript/JavaScript​
- jsbgl - A JavaScript library for Bitgesell
2. Python​
- pybl Python bitgesell library based on pybtc library. Current version is 3.0
- BGLAPI Server - BGLAPI Server is based on BTCAPI Server
3. Rust​
- Brotlic - Brotlic provides Rust bindings to all compression and decompression APIs. On the fly compression and decompression is supported for both BufRead and Write via
4. Golang​
- bgld - A fork of btcd (excellent project) to support Bitgesell coin. This currently can be used as a library of useful functions and it not tested for production use.
Bitgesell Community​
Official Bitgesell Discord Server - The officail Bitgesell Discord server